How to Trade in KuCoin's Pre-Market

Getting Started

pre-market 1.pngChoose your token, then place or accept an order.

Create your own order by specifying the amount and the price you're willing to trade at, or choose an existing order from the order book and confirm your choice.

For Sellers: Remember, you must deliver the tokens within the timeframe you agreed upon.

For Buyers: Just sit tight and wait for the seller to deliver the tokens.


1.1 If You're Buying as a Maker

  • Choose your token.
  • Create a Buy Order: Enter the amount and price you wish to buy at, deposit the necessary collateral, and confirm.
  • Wait for a seller to take your order.
  • Receive Your Tokens: Once the seller delivers, the tokens are yours. If the seller doesn't follow through within the fixed time frame, you'll get both compensation and your collateral back.

pre-market--buy taker 1.png

pre-market--buy taker 2.png


1.2 If You're Buying as a Taker

  • Find a suitable order.
  • Accept the sell order, pay the collateral, and confirm your choice.
  • Receive Your Tokens: Once the seller delivers, the tokens are yours. If the seller doesn't follow through within the fixed time frame, you'll get both compensation and your collateral back.

pre-market--buy maker 1.png

pre-market--buy maker 2.png


1.3 If You're Selling as a Maker

  • Choose your token.
  • Create a Sell Order: Enter the amount and price you wish to sell at, secure the necessary collateral, and confirm.
  • Wait for the trading pair to be active in the KuCoin main market.
  • Deliver Your Tokens: Make sure to deliver the tokens on time to receive the buyer's collateral. Not doing so means you'll lose your collateral.

pre-market--sell taker 1.png

pre-market--sell taker 2.png


1.4 If You're Selling as a Taker

  • Find a suitable order.
  • Accept the buy order, secure the collateral, and confirm your choice.
  • Wait for the trading pair to be active in the KuCoin main market.
  • Deliver Your Tokens: Make sure to deliver the tokens on time to receive the buyer's collateral. Not doing so means you'll lose your collateral.

pre-market--sell maker 1.pngpre-market--sell maker 2.png

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