How to Use Futures Trial Funds

1. What are trial funds?

Trial funds let you trade futures contracts on KuCoin Futures risk-free. They’re perfect for trying out contract trading without putting your own money on the line.


2. Do trial funds have an expiry date?

Trial funds come with a specific activation and usage period. Make sure to activate and use them before they expire.

Unused trial funds will be reclaimed, with open positions settled at the time of reclamation. If the withdrawal criteria is met, a portion of profits can be transferred to your actual futures account.


3. Activation and Use Periods

Coupons have an activation period, which is the time they must be activated by before they expire and become invalid.

This is separate from its usage period, which is how long the trial funds can be used for.

Activation and usage dates may vary between coupon types and how they were issued, so it's best to use them quickly.

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Activating Your Trial Funds

Once you've received trial funds, you have to activate them before their expiry date.

Only one trial fund can be in use at a time, within its specified period.


Activation Steps:

Web: Derivatives → Futures Bonus → Find your desired coupon → Activate

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Futures →
 Futures Bonus

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4. Using Trial Funds

When opening positions, you can choose to use either trial funds or your own funds, but not both together. This keeps your trial and personal funds separate.


Opening a position with trial funds:

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5. Viewing Trial Funds

Post-activation, trial funds won't bump up your account's total assets directly, but you can opt to include them for a comprehensive view.

On the web version, navigate to Assets and toggle your asset view.

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6. Withdrawing Trial Funds

Profits from trading with trial funds can be withdrawn under certain conditions.

Check the Trial Fund-Usage Details and the coupon's Profit Withdrawal Criteria for the exact rules and limits.

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Withdrawal Steps:

Web: Derivatives Futures Bonus 


图形用户界面, 文本, 应用程序, 聊天或短信




Once profits are withdrawn, any remaining balance for the set of trial funds will be reclaimed.

In the event that trial funds were reclaimed but the profit withdrawal criteria were still met, your profits will be automatically moved to your Futures account.

Withdrawal details can be found under asset overview.


7. Can I check my trial fund positions and history?

All trial fund transactions and assets are marked accordingly, making them easy to track.

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1. Misuse of trial funds and fraudulent attempts at obtaining trial funds will lead to account suspension.

2. KuCoin Futures holds the final interpretation rights for the terms and rules regarding the use of futures trial funds.

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