For KuCard transactions, in case of a refund or dispute, consider the following:
1. Confirm the Transaction: First, please verify that the transaction was not authorized by you, or that there is an issue with the transaction (such as not receiving the goods or goods not being as described, etc.).
2. Contact the Merchant:
In most cases, you'll need to try and solve the problem by first contacting the merchants. If that proves unsuccessful, then you may contact us to raise a query about the transaction.
3. Act Promptly:
You'll need to raise a dispute within 60 days after the transaction date so we have sufficient time to process your dispute request.
4. Understand Possible Outcomes of Chargebacks: A denied chargeback request may affect your credit record and may incur additional fees. Do not abuse the chargeback right.
5. Fill in the information to submit the dispute form: Provide the required information to complete and submit the dispute form
6. Chargeback Review Period:
The chargeback review process varies from 3 to 60 days depending on the intricacies of the case. During this period, it may be necessary for you to submit supplementary documents. We advise maintaining a composed and courteous demeanor, and articulating your concerns and requirements with clarity to expedite the resolution of the matter.
To improve efficiency, please select and fill out the appropriate form based on the order amount.
Order amount 50 EUR and above:
Order amount less than 50 EUR:
Form Filling Notes:
1. Fill in Personal Information: Complete the form accurately with your personal information, including legal name, contact details, account information, etc.
2. Transaction amount : Enter the actual amount of the transaction order, excluding any fees, NOT the charged amount with fees included. excluding fees.
3. Currency: EUR
4. Was the cardholder in possession of the card at the time the disputed transaction occurred? If not, please provide a detailed description of the situation.
5. Sign for Confirmation:
Sign the form to verify that all the provided information is correct and accurate.
6. Describe the Dispute Details: Provide a detailed description of the dispute,For example, how cards are stolen.
7. Provide Evidence: Submit the completed form along with all supporting evidence such as transaction records, communication records with the merchant, product photos, etc.