Indicator for Ad Limit in P2P Markets

Market No. of Online Ads No. of Ad Created Ad Fee Daily Trading Limit (taker)
AED 2 10 0 1875000
ARS  2 10 0 102500000
AUD 2 10 0 725000
BDT 2 10 0 46500000
BRL 2 10 0 2850000
CAD 2 10 0 650000
CHF 2 10 0 545000
COP 2 10 0 2400000000
EGP 2 10 0 15420000
EUR 2 10 0 450000
GBP 2 10 0 400000
GHS 2 10 0 6300000
IDR 2 10 0 7250000000
ILS 2 10 0 1700000
INR 2 10 0 40000000
JPY 2 10 0 58000000
KES 2 10 0 62500000
KRW 2 10 0 700000000
KWD 2 10 0 150000
KZT 2 10 0 230000000
LAK 2 10 0 33500000
MAD 3 10 0 5000000
MXN 2 10 0 9600000
MYR 2 10 0 2150000
NGN 2 10 0 285000000
NPR 2 10 0 66180000
PHP 2 10 0 25500000
PKR 2 10 0 110000000
PLN 2 10 0 2115000
RUB 2 10 0 37500000
SAR 2 10 0 1930000
THB 2 10 0 17000000
TRY 2 10 0 7250000
TWD 2 10 0 15000000
UAH 2 10 0 14250000
USD 2 10 0 500000
VES 2 10 0 14780000
VND 2 10 0 12000000000
ZAR 2 10 0 8400000
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